
Program Description The program calculates students' grades in the Object-Oriented Programming course. It displays the following menu to the user: 1. Add a new student 2. Add students grades for the OOP course. 3. Search for a student record (by ID) 4. Display all students records for specific course 5. Quit Enter Your Choice: In this menu, there are 5 options: 1. Add a new student details If the user selects choice 1, the user will enter the student details: Student s ID Student s first and last name. Student s Email By default, all of the students will have enrolled in the Object-Oriented Programming course. Example: Enter the student's ID: 1587 Enter the student's name: Ali Enter the student's Email: 2. Add students grades for the OOP course If the user selects choice 2, the user will enter three exam grades as integers for each student in the course. Finally, the final grade of the student will be calculated, and a message is printed to the user. The final grade is calculated as follows: Exam 1 is worth 20, Exam 2 is worth 20, and the Final Exam is worth 60. 2 Example: Enter the student's exam grades: 20 20 60 The final grade for Sara Ali (ID# 1587) is 100 (A+). 3. Search for a student record (by ID) If the user selects choice 3, the user will be asked to enter the ID of the student whose record they want to see. If the record is found, it is displayed/printed to the screen. However, if it is not found, an error message should be displayed. 4. Display all students records If the user selects choice 4, all students, and their details, should print to the screen. 5. Quit If the user selects choice 5, the program should print a message and then quit. Note: If any other choice is made, the program should inform the user that the choice is invalid and ask them to try again. Hints: some methods that can be used in the program 1.public static void showMenu() o The menu gets printed/displayed on the screen. 2. public static double addRecord(parameters here) o Scan and save the three exams o Calculate the final grade of the user o Return the final grade 3.public static void displayRecord(parameters here) o Ask the user to enter the ID of the student o Search for this student ID o If the student ID is not found, an error message should print. o If the student ID is found, the student s record should print. 4.public static void displayAllStudents (parameters here) o Display the record of all students, along with their grades. o If there is no student, an error message should print. 5.public static char getLetterGrade(parameters here) o Determine the letter grade of the student from their final, numerical grade. o Return the letter grade. Note: Use ArrayList in the program
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"إن في قضاء حوائج الناس لذة لا يَعرفها إلا من جربها، فافعل الخير مهما استصغرته فإنك لا تدري أي حسنة تدخلك الجنة."
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تحب تنضم لعالم البرمجة؟ وتنشئ عالمك الخاص، تنشر المقالات، الدورات، تشارك المبرمجين وتساعد الآخرين، اشترك الآن بخطوات يسيرة !