برنامج CloudSim

Atheer • منذ 3 سنوات

السلام عليكم ..

انا باحث دراسات عليا في مجال هندسة الشبكات ، الاستاذ الدكتور طلب مني حل واجب يخص برنامج CloudSim وبصراحة لم اسمع عنه سابقا ، هل بالامكان مساعدتي لطفا للعلم باقي عن وقت تسليم النتائج يومين فقط وهذا هو السؤال :

The CloudSim Project the purpose of this exercise is to get familiar with the CloudSim simulation software. This program is one of the most famous simulators in the field of cloud computing, which supports various features such as simulation of large cloud data centers, cloud resource management policies, virtual machines, containers, energy-aware computing resources, network topologies, and more. In this exercise, each student is supposed to run already-implemented scenarios related to energy management or power consumption and report and analyze the results. To do so, in addition to the NonPowerAware algorithm or scenario as a baseline scenario, you need to run two other cloud management scenarios of your choice and report the results. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points regarding the simulation and documentation of the results: - To run the simulation with CloudSim Simulator, download, compile and run the latest stable version of this software (version 4.0) or the pre-release version (version 5.0).

- In your final report, you should have a section entitled "Simulation Description", in which you explain what components the CloudSim has provided to simulate a data center, physical and virtual machines, and other essentials, and how these available components map to the concepts required for your simulation. For this section, you can use CloudSim documents.

- In a section of the report entitled "Description of Algorithms", explain that each algorithm or scenario you have run represents what kind of data centers and how it is trying to reduce energy consumption. You can use the CloudSim software documentation for this section.

- In another part of your report entitled "Simulation Parameters", list the parameters used in your simulation by mentioning their values in a table. These parameters include the number of physical servers, the number of virtual machines, the number of cloudlets, the resource specifications of the types of physical machines, and the specifications of the types of virtual machines defined in each scenario. For this section, you can also use the CloudSim software documentation or check the Java files of this software package.

- In another section of the report entitled "Simulation Results", compare the different scenarios that you have run, in the form of a table. Criteria for comparing these scenarios are: simulation execution time, energy consumed, number of VMs migrating, number of SLA violations, and percentage of SLA violations. You can see these values at the end of each scenario from the console screen. For each of the algorithms, take a screenshot of the end of the console, where the above criteria are contained. and include it in this section of your report. It is expected that this image reflects that YOU yourself run that algorithm/scenario.

- Conclude your report with a section entitled "Summary and Conclusion" in which you provide your understanding of the simulation results, what justification you have for the observed results, and which scenarios are better and more acceptable than the othescenarios r scenarios. You can also comment on other possible which can better manage power consumption while reducing SLA violations.

كلمات دليلية: cloudsim

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