احتاج مساعده في تعديل كود c++

Tasneem • منذ 4 سنوات

اهلًا يا اصحاب هذا الكود search and Remove__End ما تشتغل وأيضا احتاج أضيف حذف من البدايه وأضافه من النهايه 



C++ Program to Implement Doubly Linked List






Node Declaration


using namespace std;

struct node


    int info;

    struct node *next;

    struct node *prev;







Class Declaration


class double_llist



        void create_list(int value);

        void Insert_beginning(int value);

        void Insert_Afterx(int value, int position);

        void Insert_End(int value);

                        void Remove_Afterx(int value);


        void search_element(int value);

        void display_dlist();

        void search();




            start = NULL;  





Main: Conatins Menu


int main()


    int choice, element, position,i=0,flag;


    double_llist dl ;

    while (1)



        cout<<endl<<"Operations on Doubly linked list"<<endl;


        cout<<"1.Create Node:"<<endl;

        cout<<"2.Insert the item  at begining:"<<endl;

        cout<<"3.Insert the item after value X:"<<endl;

        cout<<"4.isert at end"<<endl;

        cout<<"5.Remove the item after valueX:"<<endl;


        cout<<"7. exit"<<endl;


        cout<<"Enter your choice : ";


        switch ( choice )


        case 1:

            cout<<"Enter the element: ";





        case 2:

            cout<<"Enter the element: ";





        case 3:

            cout<<"Enter the element: ";


            cout<<"Insert Element after postion: ";


            dl.Insert_Afterx(element, position);



                  case 4:

                     cout<<"Enter the element: ";








        case 5:

            if (start == NULL)


                cout<<"List empty,nothing to delete"<<endl;   



            cout<<"Enter the element for deletion: ";





        case 6:







        case 7:



            cout<<"Wrong choice"<<endl;

            case 8:

            if (start == NULL)


                cout<<"List empty,nothing to search"<<endl;   









    return 0;




Create Double Link List


void double_llist::create_list(int value)


    struct node *s, *temp;

    temp = new(struct node)

    temp->info = value;

    temp->next = NULL;

    if (start == NULL)


        temp->prev = NULL;

        start = temp;




        s = start;

        while (s->next != NULL)

            s = s->next;

        s->next = temp;

        temp->prev = s;





Insertion at the beginning


void double_llist::Insert_beginning(int value)


    if (start == NULL)


        cout<<"First Create the list."<<endl;



    struct node *temp;

    temp = new(struct node);

    temp->prev = NULL;

    temp->info = value;

    temp->next = start;

    start->prev = temp;

    start = temp;

    cout<<"Element Inserted"<<endl;


void double_llist::Insert_End(int value)

{          if (start == NULL)


        cout<<"First Create the list."<<endl;



    struct node *tmp, *q;

    int i;

    q = start;

tmp = new(struct node);

    tmp->info = value;

    if (q->next == NULL)

   { tmp->next = q->next;

        tmp->next->prev = tmp;

        q->next = tmp;

        tmp->prev = q;






Insertion of element at a particular position


void double_llist::Insert_Afterx(int value, int pos)


    if (start == NULL)


        cout<<"First Create the list."<<endl;



    struct node *tmp, *q;

    int i;

    q = start;

    for (i = 0;i < pos - 1;i++)


        q = q->next;

        if (q == NULL)


            cout<<"There are less than ";

            cout<<pos<<" elements."<<endl;




    tmp = new(struct node);

    tmp->info = value;

    if (q->next == NULL)


        q->next = tmp;

        tmp->next = NULL;

        tmp->prev = q;      




        tmp->next = q->next;

        tmp->next->prev = tmp;

        q->next = tmp;

        tmp->prev = q;


    cout<<"Element Inserted"<<endl;







Deletion of element from the list


void double_llist::Remove_Afterx(int value)


    struct node *tmp, *q;

     /*first element deletion*/

    if (start->info == value)


        tmp = start;

        start = start->next;  

        start->prev = NULL;

        cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl;




    q = start;

    while (q->next->next != NULL)


        /*Element deleted in between*/

        if (q->next->info == value)  


            tmp = q->next;

            q->next = tmp->next;

            tmp->next->prev = q;

            cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl;




        q = q->next;


     /*last element deleted*/

    if (q->next->info == value)    


        tmp = q->next;


        q->next = NULL;

        cout<<"Element Deleted"<<endl;



    cout<<"Element "<<value<<" not found"<<endl;




Display elements of Doubly Link List


void double_llist::display_dlist()


    struct node *q;

    if (start == NULL)


        cout<<"List empty,nothing to display"<<endl;



    q = start;

    cout<<"The Doubly Link List is :"<<endl;

    while (q != NULL)


        cout<<q->info<<" <-> ";

        q = q->next;






void double_llist:: search()


struct node *ptr

int item,i=0,flag

struct node *head;

ptr = head

if(ptr == NULL)

cout<<"\nEmpty List\n"; 


cout<<"\nEnter item which you want to search?\n"; 


while (ptr!=NULL)

if(ptr->info == item)

cout<<"\nitem found at location %d ",i+1






ptr = ptr -> next


cout<<"\nItem not found\n"; 


كلمات دليلية: c++ double linkedlist

ساعد بالإجابة

"إن في قضاء حوائج الناس لذة لا يَعرفها إلا من جربها، فافعل الخير مهما استصغرته فإنك لا تدري أي حسنة تدخلك الجنة."

الإجابات (1)

Hussain Aljabri • منذ 4 سنوات

هلا اخوي, الكود شغال مافيه شي, 
هذا ال output,  والكود يليه:



* C++ Program to Implement Doubly Linked List






* Node Declaration


using namespace std;

struct node


  int info;

  struct node * next;

  struct node * prev;

}* start;


Class Declaration


class double_llist



    void create_list(int value);

  void Insert_beginning(int value);

  void Insert_Afterx(int value, int position);

  void Insert_End(int value);

  void Remove_Afterx(int value);

  void search_element(int value);

  void display_dlist();

  void search();



    start = NULL;




* Main: Conatins Menu


int main()


  int choice, element, position, i = 0, flag;

  double_llist dl;

  while (1)


    cout << endl << "----------------------------" << endl;

    cout << endl << "Operations on Doubly linked list" << endl;

    cout << endl << "----------------------------" << endl;

    cout << "1.Create Node:" << endl;

    cout << "2.Insert the item  at begining:" << endl;

    cout << "3.Insert the item after value X:" << endl;

    cout << "4.isert at end" << endl;

    cout << "5.Remove the item after valueX:" << endl;

    cout << "6.Display" << endl;

    cout << "7. exit" << endl;

    cout << "8.search" << endl;

    cout << "Enter your choice : ";

    cin >> choice;

    switch (choice)


    case 1:

      cout << "Enter the element: ";

      cin >> element;


      cout << endl;


    case 2:

      cout << "Enter the element: ";

      cin >> element;


      cout << endl;


    case 3:

      cout << "Enter the element: ";

      cin >> element;

      cout << "Insert Element after postion: ";

      cin >> position;

      dl.Insert_Afterx(element, position);

      cout << endl;


    case 4:

      cout << "Enter the element: ";

      cin >> element;


      cout << endl;


    case 5:

      if (start == NULL)


        cout << "List empty,nothing to delete" << endl;



      cout << "Enter the element for deletion: ";

      cin >> element;


      cout << endl;


    case 6:


      cout << endl;


    case 7:



      cout << "Wrong choice" << endl;

    case 8:

      if (start == NULL)


        cout << "List empty,nothing to search" << endl;







  return 0;



* Create Double Link List


void double_llist::create_list(int value)


  struct node * s, * temp;

  temp = new(struct node);

  temp -> info = value;

  temp -> next = NULL;

  if (start == NULL)


    temp -> prev = NULL;

    start = temp;

  } else


    s = start;

    while (s -> next != NULL)

      s = s -> next;

    s -> next = temp;

    temp -> prev = s;




* Insertion at the beginning


void double_llist::Insert_beginning(int value)


  if (start == NULL)


    cout << "First Create the list." << endl;



  struct node * temp;

  temp = new(struct node);

  temp -> prev = NULL;

  temp -> info = value;

  temp -> next = start;

  start -> prev = temp;

  start = temp;

  cout << "Element Inserted" << endl;


void double_llist::Insert_End(int value)

  if (start == NULL)


    cout << "First Create the list." << endl;



  struct node * tmp, * q;

  int i;

  q = start;

  tmp = new(struct node);

  tmp -> info = value;

  if (q -> next == NULL)

    tmp -> next = q -> next;

    tmp -> next -> prev = tmp;

    q -> next = tmp;

    tmp -> prev = q;




* Insertion of element at a particular position


void double_llist::Insert_Afterx(int value, int pos)


  if (start == NULL)


    cout << "First Create the list." << endl;



  struct node * tmp, * q;

  int i;

  q = start;

  for (i = 0; i < pos - 1; i++)


    q = q -> next;

    if (q == NULL)


      cout << "There are less than ";

      cout << pos << " elements." << endl;




  tmp = new(struct node);

  tmp -> info = value;

  if (q -> next == NULL)


    q -> next = tmp;

    tmp -> next = NULL;

    tmp -> prev = q;

  } else


    tmp -> next = q -> next;

    tmp -> next -> prev = tmp;

    q -> next = tmp;

    tmp -> prev = q;


  cout << "Element Inserted" << endl;



* Deletion of element from the list


void double_llist::Remove_Afterx(int value)


  struct node * tmp, * q;

  /*first element deletion*/

  if (start -> info == value)


    tmp = start;

    start = start -> next;

    start -> prev = NULL;

    cout << "Element Deleted" << endl;




  q = start;

  while (q -> next -> next != NULL)


    /*Element deleted in between*/

    if (q -> next -> info == value)


      tmp = q -> next;

      q -> next = tmp -> next;

      tmp -> next -> prev = q;

      cout << "Element Deleted" << endl;




    q = q -> next;


  /*last element deleted*/

  if (q -> next -> info == value)


    tmp = q -> next;


    q -> next = NULL;

    cout << "Element Deleted" << endl;



  cout << "Element " << value << " not found" << endl;



* Display elements of Doubly Link List


void double_llist::display_dlist()


  struct node * q;

  if (start == NULL)


    cout << "List empty,nothing to display" << endl;



  q = start;

  cout << "The Doubly Link List is :" << endl;

  while (q != NULL)


    cout << q -> info << " <-> ";

    q = q -> next;


  cout << "NULL" << endl;


void double_llist::search()


  struct node * ptr;

  int item, i = 0, flag;

  struct node * head;

  ptr = head;

  if (ptr == NULL)


    cout << "\nEmpty List\n";

  } else


    cout << "\nEnter item which you want to search?\n";

    cin >> item;

    while (ptr != NULL)


      if (ptr -> info == item)


        cout << "\nitem found at location %d ", i + 1;

        flag = 0;


      } else


        flag = 1;



      ptr = ptr -> next;


    if (flag == 1)


      cout << "\nItem not found\n";





لايوجد لديك حساب في عالم البرمجة؟

تحب تنضم لعالم البرمجة؟ وتنشئ عالمك الخاص، تنشر المقالات، الدورات، تشارك المبرمجين وتساعد الآخرين، اشترك الآن بخطوات يسيرة !